In a previous article, Using Diaper Boxes, I talked about some great uses for these boxes in the garage and on our porch. Now I’ll cover even more uses for these handy boxes. What are diaper boxes?
They are the large, sturdy boxes that you get when you purchase your baby diapers in bulk. Bulk diapers can be purchased, usually, at a warehouse store or even at some baby stores, such as Babies R Us. I find that purchasing diapers in bulk really saves money. And to save even more, I take advantage of the boxes in which the diapers are packaged.
Speaking of bulk buying, the boxes are great to bring with you when you shop at a warehouse store. They are wonderful at holding all of your frozen foods, for example, keeping them together and cold. When you unload the car, you can take the whole box right to your freezer to unpack. If you take the boxes along at the regular grocery store, you can get a monetary credit for not using the store bags.
And if you stockpile your food, like I do, the boxes make wonderful storage for things like cans. Personally, I find that the diaper boxes are just right for storing boxes of pasta. They fit very neatly together and are easy to retrieve from the diaper box when needed. Anything loose and awkwardly shaped is also easily stored in a diaper box, such as bags of egg noodles, tubs of oatmeal, kids snack bars, etc.
Also down in my stockpile area are cleaning supplies. Cleaning supplies can be expensive, so they are worth stocking up on when you can find a good sale or deal. They also tend to be awkwardly shaped (not stackable), so a diaper box comes to the rescue as a handy place to store the supplies. Sometimes, I will carve out a curve on the front of a diaper box, so I can quickly see exactly what supplies are inside which box.
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