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More Viral Animal Emails: Breathtaking

My inbox benefited from the addition of a few more of what I call “viral animal emails” that have caught my attention again. (The others I’ve written about are listed below under “Related Articles.”) These took my breath away. It’s amazing what people sometimes capture with cameras.

The Bear on Rainbow Bridge – September 2007

When I first saw this one and read the description of the bear on Rainbow Bridge the first thing that came to my mind was the Rainbow Bridge often referred to when pets pass.

It wasn’t the same bridge. This one had a description with it –“Old Hwy 40 at Donner Summit, Truckee.” It’s in California near Lake Tahoe.

A bear jumped over the bridge, but instead of falling to its death, it grabbed on to a ledge and somehow pulled itself on to a girder under the bridge. (Officials think he jumped because oncoming cars spooked it.)

At first they didn’t think they could help the bear. They left him there but when they came back the next morning and saw he was still there they decided they had to do something.

One tranquilizer and one nylon net later, a troop of rescuers knocked the bear out, placed the net under him, pushed him into it, then lowered him safely to the ground, where they left him. When the bear woke up, he walked out of the net probably confused but none the worse for wear.

Incredibly, the bear falling over and grabbing on for dear life as well as the rescue was all caught on camera. You can see the pics here.

Ariel View of Camels in the Desert

This is a very neat picture. It’s a National Geographic picture and the photographer was George Steinmetz. It looks almost surreal with these black camel silhouettes contrasting against the desert floor. It’s the stereotypical camel shape…the head, the humps, the long legs.

But that’s just their shadows. You’re actually looking down on their bodies, which are distinguishable but just faint marks in comparison to their awesome silhouettes. It’s quite the picture. If you want to see it and haven’t, click here.

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