When the monthly gas bill for your car is approaching the amount of your mortgage, it can be pretty scary. That is why finding new ways to save on the amount of gas that you use can be a good thing. It is good for your wallet, of course, and also good for the planet. Here are more ways to save on gas.
Before you shop, take the time to compare prices and availability online. This way you won’t waste a trip to the store or gas hunting around for the best deal. With limited availability items, it pays to call ahead just to make sure that the item that you want is in stock and waiting for you.
You can also save gas when shopping by forgetting the retail stores altogether and shop online. Use coupon codes or free shipping deals in order to avoid shipping charges. Sometimes just combining your order, such as on Amazon, is enough to have the shipping fee waived.
Another way to save on the amount you spend on gas is to see if you can eliminate some of not only the non necessary driving but also the necessary driving. For example, if you have to commute to work, find out if it is either possible to work from home and telecommute one or two days a week or to alter your schedule so you work longer hours each day but only work four days a week. This would eliminate some driving time and naturally eliminate some of the gas you will have to buy.
Of course, another option may be to share a ride to and from work, this way both you and the other people in your carpool naturally save gas.
Finally, take a look at your car’s owner’s manual to determine exactly the quality of gas that your car needs. Many of us put high premium gas into our cars when they don’t need it. Unless you plan on racing your car, it is likely that you won’t notice any drop in performance with cheaper gas.