I’m interested to see if my experience of morning sickness will differ with the second pregnancy. According to Marylin Shannon’s book, “Fertility, Cycles, and Nutrition” it seems that morning sickness should be more manageable and less severe with a healthy diet, plenty of protein, and continued regular exercise (exercise helps balance the hormones). Considering that our regular diet is much healthier than it was at the beginning of my first pregnancy, I think and hope that my morning sickness symptoms won’t be nearly as bad as the first time.
We discovered we were pregnant at just four weeks. At that point I hadn’t experienced any morning sickness symptoms. This was starting out well! As we got into week five some familiar symptoms began. I felt a little nauseous in the mornings especially before and during breakfast. But once I ate (usually two organic eggs and Ezekiel 4:9 toast), the nausea would largely subside. No rushing to the bathroom to vomit … at least not yet, but the nausea continues every morning and during the day when I get hungry, but after I eat something it usually goes away and I feel fine.
My sense of smell seems more acute but so far nothing in particular triggers nausea. So far no food craving or aversions (of course with a drastically healthier diet there’s little chance of my body reacting to “bad” foods … I’m not eating any). I am definitely experiencing a little fatigue especially in the evenings but I think I’m maintaining my energy pretty well with good diet and regular exercise. Usually a thirty minute nap restores my energy and the feelings of tiredness disappear. It seems that frequent urination is also a symptom of early pregnancy. I have made a concerted effort to drink more water perhaps that can explain my frequent visits to the ladies room.
At 6 weeks, morning sickness isn’t so bad but not fun either, largely just nausea throughout the day which is completely manageable. I am able to eat my full amount of daily calories with lots of protein without throwing up and I still have the energy to exercise regularly which are two very different experiences from my first pregnancy. So far so good!