What is on your “to-do” list? I write out a “to do” list almost every night before going to bed. I never want to forget something I intend to do the next day. With four kids, homeschooling, a business and taking care of a home, I have a tendency to forget things and I have to focus myself on the priorities of the day. Now, if you ask me how often I follow my “to do” list that is sadly another disappointing story. I try to at least get the priorities done. One thing missing from my list of priorities is working out. It’s on my list most days but near the bottom or in the middle of other things I consider important. Sadly, this is one thing on my list that gets neglected.
I am not suggesting that putting exercise on your “to do” list or at the top of the list will increase your motivation or willingness to work out. What I am suggesting is that we live in a time overscheduled days and our priorities to self, health and well being often are the first to be sacrificed on the altar of time. When we think of taking time for ourselves we think in terms of rest or relaxation. Many of us think of exercise as a chore. When I worked out on a regular basis and felt wonderful I looked forward to working out. It never made it on my “to do” list because I would never miss doing it. It would be like putting “breathing” on your “to do” list. As the years passed and I let working out go and the weight came on and I didn’t feel as good physically or about myself, I became to think of it as a chore. The road to making working out enjoyment again seemed long and almost impossible. If that describes you than my suggestion is to make working out the one thing you do for yourself a day. Mentally prepare yourself for the task and look ahead to the day of victory. Just think of working out in the same vain as getting gas for your car or making a phone call you would rather not. Do not move on, rest, or relax until you at least walk around the block. Exercise does not need to take hours a day. We all find thirty minutes to waste in a day. Why not retrain your brain to use that time to do something for you. It may feel like torture and you may rather sit in a dentist chair but in due time you will look forward to this time you use for your health.