Bloopers 2: Wizard of Oz
My first husband was raised in another country and had never seen the Wizard of Oz. I finally insisted he watch it with me one night, because it’s such an important part of America’s pop culture. All through the movie he kept saying things like, “So that’s what it means when people say ‘We’re not in Kansas anymore!’” It opened my eyes, too, about how much this movie is in our collective consciousness.
Even if you’ve seen this movie ad naseum, it’s worth another look, if only to find these funny bloopers. Give your kids a cheat sheet and see if they can find all five of these bloopers. When you’ve found these, check online at sites like for even more bloopers to watch for. For some Star Wars movie bloopers, check out this blog.
Watch Dorothy’s pigtails change length from scene to scene during the movie. It’s most obvious during the musical number when she meets the Scarecrow.
After the Wicked Witch of the West scares the people in Munchkin land, she disappears in a cloud of smoke. But look closely and you can see she really disappears down through a trapdoor.
During the scene when Dorothy and Scarecrow are fighting with the trees, Scarecrow says “I’ll show you how to get apples” and he gets hit by the apples. The very next scene if you quickly look at Dorothy’s shoes, you can see that she is wearing black shoes, not her ruby slippers.
After the guard tells Dorothy she can’t see the wizard, she tells him her sad story, and he begins to cry. But where are those tears coming from? They seem to be coming from somewhere above his eyebrows instead of his eyes.
During the Lion’s song of, “If I only had the nerve.” You can see the cameraman’s shadow pass over Dorothy, the Lion, and then the log on the side of the road. Watch carefully, it comes back.