Do you find yourself transferring files all the time? It could be from your laptop to your desktop, your work computer to your home and back or from your computer to a friend or family member. Burning Data CDs is an option (and you can read more about that here). You can also use shared network drives to do this but sometimes that not always possible.
A third option would be a thumb drive or a flash drive. A thumb drive is a very small gadget that connects right into your computer’s USB port and acts as a small portable hard drive. You can transfer that work project back and forth from home to your office computer or use it to load up your Cousin Billy’s computer with all the collected and scanned family photos you have collected.
There is some basic information you will need to know before you go off shopping. You will need to know if you have a Macintosh computer or a PC. Many drives will work for both but you don’t want to get caught with the one that won’t work for you.
Second you will want to figure out what size drive you will require. Usually the bigger the drive the more expensive it will be although thumb drives are becoming more and more affordable and can be used as a quick way to back up files that can eventually be loaded onto another computer for data redundancy. Look at the type of files you think you will be transferring and check the file size. I would suggest a little room for growth and unexpected applications of the new thumb drive once you purchase it. You may find yourself using it for things you never thought of before.
The third thing you should know is if you have USB 1.x or USB 2.0. USB 2.0 is much faster than the older USB 1 series. Some devices coming out in today’s market require the faster USB 2.0 but many thumb drives at least will be backwards compatible although slower transferring your files.
To find out if you have USB 2.0 just follow the simple instructions listed here.
– Right-click “My Computer”
– Click Properties
– Click the Hardware tab
– Click the Device Manager Button
– Scroll down as needed until you see “Universal Serial Bus Controllers”
– Expand that by clicking on the boxed plus sign in front of Universal Serial Bus Controllers
The word you are looking for is “Enhanced” and if you see it, that means you have USB 2.0. If you don’t see “Enhanced” that means you have an older version, 1.x.
Now to get shopping! You can see a wide selection of drives available at for as little as twenty dollars. My best advice to you, because I obviously can’t have used every single brand and model is to read the reviews that are available on online shopping sites such as Amazon. Even if you are thinking of buying from a brick and mortar store, check out reviews online! I would never base my decision on one or two positive or negative review. A product with many satisfied customers is most likely to be the one that will satisfy your needs as well. As always, shop smart, be happy.