Yesterday morning Murph and I put the dog IQ test kit I received to the test. Part of it anyway. We haven’t completed the whole test yet, but we’re having a lot of fun working our way through it.
So often the word “test” invokes dread and a dragging of the feet, doesn’t it? But not in this case. The “tests” are fun. More like games for your dog if you approach it with a spirit of fun, enthusiasm, and playfulness instead of a purely clinical air.
Murph and I certainly had fun for the seven questions we completed. (But then he got a little tired so we decided to stop.)
So how’s he doing?
I don’t know yet. You’re not supposed to tally up the scores until all is said and done, but I couldn’t resist taking a peak to see how he’s faring. The results are mixed.
One thing I knew he wouldn’t do well at were exercises numbers six and seven, a.k.a. figuring out how to get treats out of the cone shaped toy included in the kit.
His best friend Tucker has a treat ball. Tucker’s really smart and knows how to maneuver that ball all over until a treat falls out. Murph’s Aunt Karen got him one thinking because Murph’s also smart he might like it.
Knowing how much he likes treats, I figured he’d like it too. Wrong. He didn’t push it anywhere. I figured he didn’t understand how to work it, so I started rolling it around with my foot. Treats fell out, he snatched them up. Then I left him alone with it. He whined until I came back and pushed it some more. Oh yeah, he’s smart like that let me tell you!
So he didn’t score high at all on retrieving treats out of the cone. Even though I put in his favorite ones: Beggin’ Strips! (Which, funnily enough, is what the test book suggested be used. I thought Murph for sure might stand a chance using those, but sadly no…)
The highest he’s scored so far was with the bouncy ball test (exercise 10). And Murph’s no ball dog. Not like Budly was. Murph prefers plush toys or sticks, not balls. But he had a high time with that bouncy ball test.
And after I told Wayne how cute Murph’s reaction was to me coming upon him unexpectedly with the face mask on, he was brave and tried that. Murph had the same reaction to him –ran up to him tail wagging ready to be petted. (Then he wanted us to give him the face mask for a toy!)
We still have more exercises to complete before we can tally his final score. He may not score at the absolute genius level, but as I wrote in Murphy, Tornadoes, and One Ruff Night, I believe he’s brilliant nonetheless. Perhaps in ways no tests can guage, but that his momma knows in her heart and soul.
Courtney Mroch writes about animals great and small in Pets and the harmony and strife which encompasses married life in Marriage. For a full listing of her articles click here.
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