There is a new CD out called “Skinny Songs“. They are pop style songs with motivational lyrics like the following:
“Skinny jeans, skinny jeans, you’re still hanging ’round
In the back of my closet and that’s bringin’ me down
this morning, I woke up, and made me a vow
skinny jeans, gonna get back, into you somehow.”
Apparently the “establishment” is not impressed but I think it is a great idea! (For those of you who read my articles on weight loss, you may already know that I’m not terribly impressed with the establishment of doctors, dieticians and nutritionists that tout the 1980’s style high carbohydrate, low protein, run-an-hour-every-morning lifestyle. Following their one-size-fits-all prescription made me fat and I’ll never forgive them for it. In case you’re wondering, I’m doing much better without them!)
So Heidi Roizen, the creator of “Skinny Songs” defends herself against the establishment by simply stating that there is no science behind it and she created it because it simply because it was a message that she wanted to hear.
Let’s consider this:
We could listen to some anarchist rock or rap that blasts women as pieces of meat meant for a one-time use or we could hum a positive little ditty about how we’re going to achieve our goals and feel really good about ourselves.
Scientists be darned! It doesn’t take a statistician to figure out the math on this one!
I paid a little visit to the Skinny Songs website, listened to the samples provided and got goosebumps! These songs are just plain fun! They actually make me want to get up and dance a little. What could you spend $14.99 on? Three frappy, sappy, sugar filled lattes at Starbucks or one CD that will make you want to get up and dance through the housework!
The titles on this CD include:
Skinny Jeans
I’m a Hottie Now
Use It To Lose It
Incredible Shrinking Woman
Think I’ll Go To Saks
You Da Boss
Objects in the Mirror
Who the H-ll Is That?
Blowin’ You Off at 8
If you’re a woman trying to lose weight, purchasing this CD is a no-brainer! But don’t take my word for it, visit the website, listen to the songs and decide for yourself. Then come back here and tell me what you think!
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