I live with Amelia Bedelia. My daughter takes everything so literally. I think the humor of Amelia Bedelia was lost on her because Amelia preformed as she would have. After all if someone told you to draw the curtains would not that inspire you to grab your pen and paper? What about dressing the turkey? What else could that mean then dressing it up in clothing? Living with Amelia Bedelia is full of surprises and laughter.
Amelia Bedelia moment: My daughter came home from church all excited telling me that she could win a picture of Wendy’s is she did something or other. I had no idea what she was talking about and asking her to repeat herself drew me no closer to an answer. She simply repeated the same thing. She then said, “Why don’t you understand?” Finally her brother chimed in and said there was a drawing for a Wendy’s coupon. To her a drawing was a picture. Of course!
Another Amelia Bedelia moment: I decided to no longer purchase soda due to sugar and chemicals. We were turning over a new leaf. When I saw sparkling juice I thought it would make a nice treat for the kids. We all gathered around to watch a movie and drink our sparkling juice. I noticed my daughter trying to look inside the can. She looked around to watch everyone else simply enjoying their sparkling juice. She looked in her can again and then looked around again. Finally she asked, “Where is the glitter?” I asked her what she meant and she asked how they could call it sparking juice if there was no glitter. Glitter juice would be an interesting twist.
Do you live with an Amelia Bedelia? Tell me some of your stories and Amelia moments in your home.