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My Children have more active social lives than I do!!!!!

Okay, let’s be fair here: I am by nature a shy person, quiet, cautious, even timid. If I don’t know anyone at a party, it usually stays that way by the time the party ends. I’m not as good at asking questions as icebreakers. I take a while to warm up, as they say. So it’s probably not surprising that my children get to go out more than I do.

I was adding up all the parties my oldest has been to this school year, and I counted almost ten! My little one, too, has gone to about half a dozen parties. We’ve been to bowling alleys, gymnastics places, restaurants, and this Saturday, we added the movie theater to our places-we’ve-partied.

One of our friends has a young son who loves cars, so to celebrate his third birthday, they had a party where we went to see the new Pixar movie of the same name. It was cute – I understand why it’s big at the box office yet not as big as the Mouse People would have liked it. It’s enjoyable but not quite as clever as The Incredibles. I won’t go into details so as not to spoil anything. After the movie, it was back to the birthday boy’s house for cake and pizza.

Buy my oldest, who is good friends with this boy’s older sister (they met at Pre-K), had to go to the bowling alley for a party for a classmate of hers (as the bowler in the family, I got to take her there). Then after that, it was off to my cousin’s high school graduation celebration, me and the girls, for a trip to New Jersey.

It’s a good thing they can’t drive yet, or they’d really have more fun than I do…

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About T.B. White

lives in the New York City area with his wife and two daughters, 6 and 3. He is a college professor who has written essays about Media and the O.J. Simpson case, Woody Allen, and other areas of popular culture. He brings a unique perspective about parenting to families.com as the "fathers" blogger. Calling himself "Working Dad" is his way of turning a common phrase on its head. Most dads work, of course, but like many working moms, he finds himself constantly balancing his career and his family, oftentimes doing both on his couch.