Merry Christmas Everyone! This Christmas eve, I would like to offer as a Christmas gift to my homeschool readers, five free homeschool resources to share with you. If you have followed the links under my name, you know I have been compiling free homeschool resources for some time. Here are my favorites.
#5 free homeschool resource: In Plain English, a virtual tour of the Federal Reserve System: The Federal Reserve website teaches everything you ever wanted to know about money. At Federal Reserve education, you will find links to other sites, curriculum, newsletters, booklets and more. They have recently added Fed Challenge, which is an academic high school level competition, and you can also order a DVD called in Plain English.
#4 free homeschool resource: Free Worksheets and planners: These worksheets include calendars, planners, and unit study guides. They are available though
#3 free homeschool resources: Learning Software Downloads: Sheppard Software is offering teachers (including homeschool teachers) several free games. They include Presidents Mania, States Mania, and Astro Mania.
#2 free homeschool resource: Geography Lesson Plans: Get all geography information you child will ever need to know, and information on when they should know it at the national geographic Xpeditions website. The lessons are sorted by grade level and subject matter.
#1 free homeschool resource: Free online books: Google has added online books to their plethora of online tools and resources. There are full books and excerpts available. I like to search for classics, or author like Mark Twain. Anything in the public domain will be available in full. Enjoy!
I hope you enjoy these free homeschool treasures and use them too. If you have a favorite free homeschool resource, feel free to share it with my audience, either here or on the homeschool forum. I will start a thread where you can add your treasures.