This article may perhaps be a better topic for the Parenting section. However, it does deal with learning and I do need someone to talk to. Therefore, I am posting here for you.
My daughter will soon be four years old. Thus far, she has accomplished all of her life milestones early. She walked at nine and one-half months and has talked ever since I can remember. She has a good grasp on basic kindergarten skills. She easily learned her telephone number, address, full name, and birthday. She knows basic shapes, can count to 20, and can identify her name. She can spell her name and is beginning to write it fairly legibly.
I have always thought that her skills were well advanced for a three-year-old child. However, she has a major area of weakness. For some reason, she does not know her colors. I tossed around that idea that she is an auditory learner. However, she learned her shapes by visual means. I ruled out that she has trouble with retaining information due to all of the other things that she knows from memorization.
She can match colors and identify which colors are the same or different. Therefore I know that she can see a distinction in colors. However she is only consistent in knowing two or three colors. She is very hesitant to answer when questioned about a specific color. She realizes that she does not know them and I feel that she is self-conscious about the issue.
I have tried flash cards and color relations. She very easily relates colors to other things. For example if I say this is the same color as the grass, she will say green. However without the cue, she does not know the color.
So my thoughts today are more of a question. Has anyone else ever had a child who experienced a delay in learning colors? I have always felt that it was a very early skill. At what age did your children learn to recognize colors?