Every morning I grab my coffee and sit at the computer, slowly waking up. I read my blog roll, – the adoption blogs and money blogs and frugal living blogs – and think about what I’ll be writing about today.
Today inspiration came in the form of my horoscope!
There it was, my horoscope on my home page, glaring back at me in huge Times Roman Print. (I have the print setting on large)
In a very authoritative voice the astrologer informed me that although I am on the right track financially, I will have a setback money wise today.
Oh oh.
Actually, that makes sense – almost.
It is almost Christmas and would be easy for me to overspend.
Here’s where I’m at so far:
I have three people still to buy presents for, our tree isn’t up, or even bought yet.
That’s bad news for the budget. I’m s t r e c h t i n g our cash this month like a rubber band way out of comfort zone. I still have to find cash for the tree.
It’s pretty cool though. I never knew I could do Christmas on a budget. In past years I’ve just spent. And then spent some more.
This years we’ve gotten very creative.
Daughter (3 years old) and I made presents for her to give, so it was only a cost of construction paper and magnets.
I also made presents for me to give to most of my friends and family. They are even presents I’d be happy to receive. I’d tell you what they are, but my friends and family might read this, and then it wouldn’t be a surprise now would it?
Lets just say it is easy to make chocolate covered spoons and give home-made hot chocolate mix in a nice holiday mug, without breaking the bank.
Luckily we’ve got a lot of decorations already, and Hubby’s work gives us a turkey, so maybe my horoscope is talking about the five grandchildren we put money away for each Christmas.
We’ve set up 529 college fund savings plans for them and every year, put cash in for each of them.
You know what? This year we told them we are going to do it in the spring instead!
Works better for us, it’s almost the same to them and doesn’t break our bank at Christmas time.
Now that’s budgeting if I say so myself.
The horoscope was correct when it said I am on the right track financially – I hope it was wrong on the setback part.
I’ll keep you posted.
More on frugal Christmas presents