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My House Is Not Clean

Do you have a method to your housekeeping or is it more hit or miss? I’m totally a hit or miss housekeeper. My house stays fairly neat but the cleaning is not on any type of schedule.

If I walk into a room I might notice the baseboards need to be dusted and dust them. The furniture in that room will most likely not get dusted at the same time. Or maybe I notice fingerprints on the bathroom door. I’ll wipe those down but that doesn’t mean I will clean the bathroom.

In the morning when I’m brushing my teeth if I notice the bathroom sink is dirty, I’ll clean it. I don’t have a normal cleaning day. I just clean whatever, whenever.

Occasionally this becomes a problem. The house needs a deep cleaning and I keep spot cleaning random things.

This is not the most efficient use of my time but sometimes I feel like it’s all I have time for. I really need to get on some type of schedule. I don’t want to spend an entire day cleaning my house and it rarely needs it but I do need to come up with a system that works for me.

I think I may go back to Flylady’s system. That seems to work best for me because I don’t get overwhelmed. Every week is a different area of the house that gets cleaned and each day a chore in that area that takes about fifteen minutes. Then once a week you quickly clean the house, taking no more than an hour.

My house needs it bad. It’s gotten a little out of control. On the surface everything looks clean because there is not a lot of clutter but if you look closely, things are dirty.

Starting tomorrow I will try something different. I’m working on some routines. So far, I’ve really been too lazy to implement them, but tomorrow is another day. I’m sure I’ll get around it then.