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My Husband’s Good Example

I don’t have a perfect marriage—in fact, I don’t know too many people who do. We have our ups and downs, that’s for sure. But there is one way in which I would say our marriage is perfect. My husband always forgives me.

I’m a very emotional person. Life isn’t just something to be lived for me—it’s something I have to feel and experience. I tend to internalize much of what is going on and my nerves aren’t always the best. All of this is a very round-about way of saying, I have the tendency to throw the occasional fit. I’m getting better as I get older, but fits do still happen, more often than I would like.

I also tend to lecture. I’m working on that, too, but if something is bothering me, I want to leap right in, fix it with my tons and tons of wisdom, and make sure everyone knows how I feel about it. My husband is often the recipient of these lectures. Most of the time, I do need to clear the air on things, but other times, I’m just blowing off smoke.

The amazing thing is that through all of this, my husband patiently listens, agrees to make whatever changes I’ve asked (the reasonable ones, that is) and then he moves on. He doesn’t hold grudges. He doesn’t bring up my past mistakes. He forgives me when I overreact and he continues to love me anyway.

It’s because of this example that I am learning to tone back my reactions. I’m learning how to take things with a grain of salt. And I know that he’ll love me while I’m learning just as much as he’ll love me when I’m as forgiving as he is.

I’m not sure how he got to be so cool. I do know that our eternal marriage is of utmost importance to him. His main goal in life is to be exalted as a family. Maybe this mindset is what helps him when I’m being a little too . . . me. He knows all this is temporary. He knows I’ll get over it. And in the end, he knows that our relationship is more important than any tizzy I might throw. You’ve just got to love a man like that.

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