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My Inner City Story: Practices That Work

We have talked about how teaching in the inner city has to be a passion, how teachers are better served by mentors rather than more in-service and staff development, and we’ve talked about the conditions that plague the inner city. Urban education is a unique set of circumstances and forces set in motion and without support teachers frankly can’t do the job that needs to be done.

I am personally convinced after my experiences here that the inner city requires innovative solutions. I would even be so bold as to say that we need to throw out much of what we assume to be true about education. Forget rigorous benchmarks. They are too abstract for the student who is afraid to come to school because he has to walk past the rival gang of his older brother. Not only that but try telling students that they should learn the material because it is a “rigorous” bench mark and it will make them better. You’ll be lucky if all you get are blank stares. It’s not motivating. Ditch the tests as a means of passing and failing students. Too much pressure is already being put on these particular kids without having to be measured by a culturally insensitive examination that may or may not be reflective of their true abilities.

Some of you may think I’m speaking heresy here, but really kids can and do learn without these things. And it will take more radical thinking for each school in New York City in order for effective change to occur. Right now, public schools are reaching a few of it’s thousands of kids. For change to occur, for public schools to reach most if not all of their students, it will take a paradigm shift. Such paradigm shifts have already taken place in some schools throughout the country (including some here in New York City.)

Ditch the Bureaucracy

What do you think would happen if instead of the federal government, or the city government determining policies for teachers and their students, actual teachers helped determine policies? What would happen if those who actually are in the classroom, experiencing all of the issues that face their students, were given the power to decide on pedagogy, standards, and curriculum. Could it be that teachers, who are actually living it, could be in the best position to determine what works best?

That’s exactly what happened at Central Park East Secondary School in New York City. 95% of their students go on to 2 and 4 year colleges in a neighborhood where less than 30% are even graduating let alone going to college. Teachers here sought out the advice of professors, business leaders, experts in particular given fields and asked this question, “What should these kids know when they’re finished with high school.” The result was a format that encourages debate and discussion. Rather than being held accountable by a final exam, these kids are turning in portfolios several times each year. Better yet, they are constantly evaluating and the dialogue is open between parents, students, faculty, professors, and even teachers from other schools. Every year as they evaluate, they get better and better. It’s amazing what students will do when given the responsibility to do it. Not only that, but they are surrounded by teachers who are actively and visibly striving for excellence as well.

There are many more practices that work in urban education that I want to get to. . .look for my next installment soon!

Related Articles from the My Inner City Story Series:

3 Types of Teachers

Inner City Conditions

Why Alternative Certification Doesn’t Work