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My Lifestyle Journey: June 6, 2009

I did not put a week in my title this time, as I have completely lost track of what week I am on. I have come to the conclusion that it does not matter at this point. I am striving to live a more healthy lifestyle and that is the main thing. I would love to lose more weight, but I feel good that I have not gained any weight in over 3 years now.

I know that eventually I will reach my destination, but having lost such a great deal of weight over the past three years I feel that now that I am so much healthier and have come off of almost all medications that I had been on over three years ago I can take my time with my weight loss.

Because I am exercising more than I ever have in my life and doing it relatively faithfully I have brought my cholesterol and blood pressure within a normal, healthy range. When I first lost the weight and began exercising my doctor said to me, “Whatever you are doing keep doing it.”

At one point I weakened and became a slacker in the exercise department. It showed up on my next routine blood work results. My cholesterol had soared. I knew then that in order to keep my cholesterol down the weight loss was not enough, but that I would always have to exercise in order to keep it within a normal, healthy range.

I stepped up on the exercise and the next blood work results were right back within normal range. It really was true. Exercise plays such an important part in your health.

At one point in my life if you told me that I had to exercise I would have turned the other cheek. I hated it. I have now come to enjoy exercise and in fact, if I do not exercise at least 3 or 4 times a week I do not feel right inside.

Whenever you are feeling low about struggling with your weight loss efforts move around. I guarantee that you will feel better afterwards.

Angel Lynn writes in weight loss, single parenting, and health.

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About Angel Lynn Diamond

I am a mom to my precious one and only, a nurse in a heartwarming adult living facility, and a freelance writer. I am "Angel" to the one who has helped me through life for the past 2-1/2 years and has made a joyful difference. I am a featured contributing writer for Rich Women Sisterhood, A Distinctive Style magazine and a writing and health advisor on Just Answer. As well, I write greeting cards, articles in health, relationships, diet, fitness, parenting, and travel. I reside in Upstate, NY and enjoy spending time with my loved ones, writing, the outdoors, and fitness. What I would like to say to others is.......Slow down and enjoy the moment, as you cannot get it back. Dream, believe, hope, but most of all have faith. Be careful with your words...they have the potential to hurt or bring forth joy. Remember, gentleness is a comfort to a wounded heart. Wishing you all many blessings. ~Angel Lynn~