So often others ask me how I divide or categorize my items within my household notebook. It isn’t that they do not understand the use of the notebook, only that they have trouble figuring out how to categorize it.
When I discovered household notebooks, I never realized how purposeful and how incredibly important it would become to my family. We rely on this book, and affectionately refer to it as “household central”. If someone comes asking about something they hear “Check household central”.
Because I figure if they cannot find it there, it probably is not anywhere in the house to begin with.
The other thing I never realized about household notebooks, was how difficult they can be to explain to other people. That there are so many questions that others have, and more specifically they want a personal glimpse into yours to help them along. Well, that is what I intend to provide for you.
About a year ago, I wrote an article titled The Household Notebook – Explained. In this article I showed you a rather in depth look into my personal categories at the time. I broke them down and then told you about what was in them. Perhaps it would be easier for me to spend some time actually illustrating my points. My household notebook hasn’t changed a lot, but it has changed since last July. I am also in the process of updating it, so as I am doing that, it might be helpful for me to share the things I am doing or creating.
After speaking to my friend Ami about what I have in each section, I came to the conclusion that my book, or my way of doing my household notebook, might not be the same way everyone else does. So a piece of advice, is to do things your way, and then change them when they are not working. A little trial and error goes a long way in staying organized and keeping your life frugal all the way around.
Beginning today, I will attempt to show you how I do my notebook and my hopes are, that it will inspire you enough to get creative with yours.
For more resourceful articles on household notebooks, please see the following:
The Best Type of Binders for Household Notebooks
Dividing Your Household Notebook
How to Make a Household Notebook
Time to Update Your Household Notebook and More
The Household Notebook – Divided
The Household Notebook – Getting Started
Nicole Humphrey writes about everything related to scrapbooking in the Scrapbooking Blog, saving money and living a frugal lifestyle in the Frugal Blog, and being the best photographer you can be in the Photography Blog. She enjoys guest blogging on a variety of topics as well, and you can read more of her articles by clicking here.