Good morning, as I stated earlier in Family Traditions: A Day To Give Thanks, we have a lot of personal family traditions here to celebrate Thanksgiving and this note is one that I am adding to my traditions because this time last year, I was just getting ramped up to start writing for I want to begin my note with a personal thank you to all our readers here at
You come, you visit, you participate in our forums and you read our blogs. You are in large measure, the reason we are all here. It’s for you that we share our stories, our wisdom, our silliness and our trials and errors. It is my personal hope that if I have just reached out to one person, just touched one person’s life or helped to make a difference in some small way – then I am very grateful to be here and I want to thank you for being here with me.
To My Fellow Bloggers
There are many of you here, there are many of you getting ready to get started and there are many who have come and gone – I am thankful to all of you. There are a few here I will mention specifically, because I know you a little better than the others, but please know that I am thankful to be in such brilliant company whether I agree with your thoughts or not. First and foremost, Sherry, my co-blogger here at Marriage – I am thankful for you. I am thankful for the friendship we have formed over the last year that combines mutual respect with an honest and genuine concern for the well-being of us all. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Thank you for sharing this blog with me. Thank you for sharing your opinions – especially those that conflict with my own. Thank you for just being you.
To Valorie, my co-blogger over in Baby – thank you for coming in like a breath of fresh air and sharing such a wonderful wealth of thoughts, ideas and experiences whether it’s about your beautiful children, your strong support of breastfeeding and more. Your views and information in the Homeschool blog has been terrifically educational to me and more.
To Catherine, thank you for opening up and sharing your trials and tribulations in The Diary of the Overweight Mom. You reach out and touch my heart with your stories, your humor and your grace. I loved your work in baby and I continue to love it as you write in Weight Loss and more. To Kaye Siders, your articles in Education thrilled me and I can’t express my gratitude enough for the articles about teachers, education and more – especially with my daughter starting Kindergarten this year.
To Libby and Michele, a great big shout-out and thank you to both of you. Your work in Popular Culture has me reading about gossip I wouldn’t necessarily read, but your writing, your wit and your witticisms bring me back again and again. Thank you for sharing all the wonderful stories that you share. To Melissa, Misty, both Miriam Metzinger Miriam Caldwell and more – your religious convictions and openness in sharing your thoughts and views touch me and I find them all to be an enormous gift. To everyone else that I may not have mentioned here from Aimee to Marjorie to Renee and more – thank you all. I can’t begin to express it enough.
To Lisa
Lisa, I found a great friend in you and I’ve enjoyed working with you from day number 1. Thank you for everything you do from all the questions you answer to all the subtle kicks in the rear you provide. You motivate me, you support me and you are a real treasure to work with. I can’t thank you enough for the opportunity you and the owners of provided me with a year ago when you brought me on board and I can’t thank you enough for the experience that I have continued to enjoy throughout this year and look forward to enjoying throughout the next.
Thank you all. I am better person for each and every one of you being in my life.
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Happy Thanksgiving: Giving Thanks
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