In pervious article’s comments, I received a question wondering if I planned on sharing my personality type. The answer is yes! As I have been studying, reading, and writing about the various personalities and learning types I have been examining myself. I have also been analyzing my learning and teaching style.
First, I am an extrovert. I enjoy talking and discussing with others. I find it difficult to learn information from reading a book or being told “how to”. I had much rather jump in and try something by getting hands-on experience.
Next I would consider myself to be intuitive. I am not mainly concerned with structure and organization. I go with my instinct and feelings. I trust my heart with a lot of issues. I have encountered troubles when I have gone against my feelings. I am quick to jump to conclusions and do sometimes miss details.
In the next category, thinking and feeling, I believe that I may be a mixture of both. My mathematical side brings out wanting to find logic such as thinkers but I also need a personal connection to make things meaningful such as feeling persons.
The last one, I have to laugh about! I am perceiving all of the way. While I often appear to have things together and orderly, I usually do not! I make lessons plans and have things thought through in my head. However if a better idea comes to me during the middle of a lesson, I find no trouble in changing plans. It is nothing for me to get to school and decide to all of a sudden complete an art project that day. Therefore, I keep plenty of extra tools and materials around. You never know when I may need them! I often have many tasks going at one time and work on them when the mood hits me. Some of them get finished quicker than others.
So my classroom is somewhat structured, definitely not chaotic, but also flexible. I am willing to try new ideas and adjust any plans or teaching styles if someone proves me wrong or finds a better method.
I like for the children to be in control but I do not mind if we get a little crazy as long as we are learning.
Therefore, I would say that my personality is ENFP. How about yours?
Intuitive Students and the Classroom
Sensing Students and the Classroom