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My Weaning Experiences

I have four children and found that each one brings a different experience to the mix. Just when you think you have this baby thing down another one throws you for a loop. Don’t be discouraged, your confidence grows and parenting does become easier and more relaxed in many ways. But all wise parents know to expect the unexpected and prepare to be unprepared.

When I began to breastfeed, I decided I would stop at 12 months. I figured that was enough time and the regular time a baby is weaned from a bottle. As it turned out I breastfed for 15 months and only stopped because she decided it was time. By that time we were down to nursing only in the morning. I found out I was pregnant around this time and discovered that many babies stop nursing due to the changes in the milk. So, I get no gold stars for weaning.

My second baby decided breastfeeding was not for him. I know hardcore breastfeeding moms would lash out at me for allowing my son to stop nursing at six weeks old due to so many issues. If it makes any of them feel better about it, I felt guilty for years. I no longer do and nothing can bring me back to that place.

My third baby nursed to about 12 months. I began the process of weaning by eliminating the nighttime feeding. Nursing a baby to sleep is always the hardest time to stop, so I began with that first. I figured if I could beat that then the rest would be easy. To my astonishment I was right. I began by nursing my baby before her last meal of the evening. So the last meal she had was solids and not nursing. I knew she was full so I was confident putting her to bed. I rocked her to sleep or held her. I am not opposed to allowing a baby to fuss a bit but I never allow hardcore crying to screaming. Way too sad for this mama. Soon, she adapted. Some babies adapt faster than others so be patient. This worked so well, that I used the same method with my fourth. Once I eliminated the nighttime nursing we just naturally began to eliminate nursing slowly but surely. It is a process and one to be patient with and follow your baby’s lead.

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About Richele McFarlin

Richele is a Christian homeschooling mom to four children, writer and business owner. Her collegiate background is in educational psychology. Although it never prepared her for playing Candyland, grading science, chasing a toddler, doing laundry and making dinner at the same time.