Another way to make good money mystery shopping is by picking up the orphans. Orphans? Yep. Those are the shops at the end of the month that nobody has done. There are typically two reasons for this. Either someone was going to do it and they dropped it for one reason or another (such as an emergency, or because they’re a flake), or the shop is in an undesirable or remote location. The first is better for you, but it’s more often the second in my area.
You’ll see the listed price for the job start to climb as it gets closer to the end of the month, as schedulers try to find someone to finish the jobs. The company often gets a bonus (or a penalty) for filling or not filling them. It might be worth it to you to take just one of these jobs if it’s close enough. But a better financial decision may be to work out a route. If a scheduler has six shops to fill at the end of the month, and you’re willing to do all six, she’s much likelier to raise the bonus incentive across the board. What I usually do is email the scheduler and let her know at what cost I’m able to complete the job. Try to give her choices, if possible.
For instance, I might tell her that I can take a road trip and do shops A, B, C, D, E, and F for a total of $200. Or I’m willing to do A, C, and D for $100 if she thinks she can get someone to do B and E. If I’m going to be asking for bonuses, I’ll usually let her know my approximate driving time and mileage. Usually a scheduler will either accept or reject your proposal. Don’t take it personally if they don’t accept it. They have a limited budget to stretch over hundreds of jobs, and she may be able to find someone cheaper. Sometimes she’ll come back and ask, “Will you do it for x amount?” You’ll have to decide if it’s still worth it. Don’t sell yourself short, but if you can help her out, she’ll often remember (or you can remind her!). You’re more likely to get several bonused shops if you’ve done shops at the regular price throughout the month. In a typical month, I double my mystery shopping income in a day or two at the end. But those high-paying ones only come about because I’ve done the standard ones throughout the rest of the month. As in any other business, it’s a matter of paying your dues.
Related Blogs:
Mystery Shopping: How to Get the Highest Pay
Mystery Shopping: Paying to Shop
Mystery Shopping: Make Millions of Dollars!
How to Get Started in Mystery Shopping
The Best Mystery Shopping Companies