A friend of mine is having a baby; her due date is looming, and guess what? No name yet. She doesn’t know if she’s having a boy or a girl, but she is really struggling to find that perfect name for her first baby.
I thought it would be fun for us to help her name her baby. Throw out your suggestions, anything from wild and wacky to traditional and let’s see what she decides on.
She has determined that she prefers less-traditional names, and likes boy’s names for girls, nicknames and funky spellings. She will most likely use Ryan as a middle name for either a boy or a girl, so keep that in mind while you’re thinking.
We’ve been to all the baby name websites, and read through all the names but nothing has really jumped out as of yet.
While you’re thinking of names for this baby, let us know how you named your baby. Was it after a relative? Was there a special meaning behind it?
My oldest daughter’s name is Savanna Joy. I’m not really sure where the Savanna part came from, but I knew I liked it. I chose Joy for a middle name because my mom wanted to name me Joy, but my Dad liked Diana after Diana Taylor on “General Hospital”. (Diana Taylor went on to murder her boyfriend or something – thanks Dad). Anyway, my mother did not have a middle name, so after Savanna was born, my mom immediately went out and had her name changed to Patricia Joy, thus sharing her middle name with her granddaughter.
Shane is my son, and the name was picked by his father. I wanted to name him Anthony Thomas, after my father and step-father, but his Dad really wanted Shane. So, we compromised and named him Shane Anthony Thomas. Yes, he has two middle names and it’s a little difficult filling out insurance forms, but well worth the respect given to my fathers.
Kaitlyn was a happenstance name. I really wanted to name her Grace of Faith or something like that, and I really liked Madison. Unfortunately, my husband’s cousin had a dog named Madison and he was not about to name his little girl after a labrador. We were at a craft store one day and he saw a stamp with “Kaitlyn” on it and knew that was the one. Her middle name is Olivia, after my husband’s late father, Oliver.
What’s your story? What should we name Kacy’s baby? She’s 31 weeks now, so in about 9 weeks we’ll know what the baby’s name is. Sure will be fun if she picks one of the suggestions here, so start suggesting!