February is National Child Dental Health Month. It is a great time to reinforce healthy dental habits with your kids. The American Dental Association celebrates the 10th anniversary of its Give Kids A Smile program, which offers free dental care and education for children in need. Statistics say that 80 percent of tooth decay occurs in 25 percent of U.S. children. The cause for many families to avoid seeking dental health care is a lack of insurance. Dental fees are very expensive and many families cannot afford the cost. Even with insurance sometimes the fees are still expensive and families wait as long as possible to seek dental care. Perhaps with the Give Kids A Smile program going on this month many families will get the dental health care for their children they need.
Many dentists are trained to push for procedures, both cosmetic and non cosmetic, that will boost their bottom line. We were struck by the finding that nearly a half of those who had had a cosmetic procedure had been prompted to do so by their dentist.” ~Nancy Metcalf, senior program editor for Consumer Reports.
The cost of dental care can be inflated due to dentists recommending procedures that are not necessary. Nancy Metcalf, senior program editor for Consumer Reports, confirms this scary fact. Families who fear the cost of dental procedures may not seek needed care due to dentists who push for unnecessary procedures. You need to arm yourself with the knowledge of what is needed and cosmetic to save yourself from expensive procedures. Take control of your child’s dental health and know what you are paying for and if it is necessary.
I find it disturbing that many who need dental care are unable to get it. If you fall into that category then find which dentists in your area participate in Give Kids A Smile.