Did you know that National Senior Fitness and Health Day is coming up? There will be more than 1,000 organizations in the 50 states of the United States celebrating this 14th annual event. The goal of National Senior Fitness and Health Day is to promote and educate everyone about fitness and health in older Americans. Senior Fitness and Health Day falls on May 30th.
What Will Happen?
Check your local area papers for events being hosted there. A senior center in a neighboring town is hosting a series of fitness and health related activities that focus on the interests of senior citizens. According to one website promoting this event, last years activities included health information workshops, health screenings, demonstrations of low-impact exercises and fitness walks.
How Do You Host Events for National Senior Fitness & Health Day?
Apparently all you need to do is register by purchasing a registration packet. You can do this by calling 1-800-828-8225. Once you’ve registered, you’ll receive an official program that includes ideas to organize the event from activities to posters to press releases and more. You can reproduce some of the health information handouts.
The registration packet covers a colorful event banner, t-shirt, buttons and balloons. All of these items might be used to create more t-shirts and such.
A Great Way to Promote Fitness & Health
Seniors make up one of our most precious resources. Our parents and our grandparents are our direct link to the history of our families, communities and our country. Taking care of them and helping them to care for themselves should be our priority every day of the year. So this week, when May 30th arrives, keep the fitness and health for the seniors in your life in mind. Check out what local events may be happening and consider attending one with them.
Have you ever attended an event for National Senior Fitness & Health Day?
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