If you are sick of bugs in your house, your garden, and your hard you will be glad to know that you can get rid of most of the bugs yourself. An added perk is that you can do it naturally. Even more interesting for some is knowing that the bugs will suffer as they die.
Mix two tablespoons of liquid soap such as dish detergent or Dr. Bronner’s Pure Castille Soaps (preferred)to kill garden pests on contact. Don’t get carried away or you may kill nearby vegetation. The soap disrupts the cell membranes of the bugs and dehydrates them. This also works in your home, so instead of spraying and inhaling bug killer when you see a bug, you can just leave a spot of soap behind that you can clean up later.
Purchase diatomaceous earth powder the put it in cracks and crevices where bugs are found. Diatomaceous earth is a powder mined from quarried that has microscopic sharp edges that cut bugs and cause them to bleed to death.
To kill ants and eliminate their colonies (especially red ants), pour boiling water on the ant holes in the early morning. This will kill them in their sleep.
To get rid of household roaches (German roaches), mix 50% Boric acid with 25% cocoa powder and 25% sugar. Boric acid will dehydrate the roaches after the cocoa and sugar attracts them. Put this powder in corners, under radiators and other places where bugs are found.
If you put houseplants outside in the summer and bring them back in in the winter, kill bugs in the dirt by submerging the potted plant in a bucket of water for 20 minutes. The critters will drown and the plant will have a good watering.
Repel mosquitoes by putting Listerine mouthwash in a spray bottle and spray it on hard surfaces to keep the bugs away. For yard parties, spray the deck an mist the grass. (Not quite as mean.)
Drown fleas by filling a shallow dish with with soapy water and placing it on the floor under a light. The bugs will jump toward the light and drown in the water.
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