I have spoken before about my experience attending Time Out for Women a few years ago. It is a great way to re-charge spiritually and get that extra boost you need to continue on your way at being a better mom, wife, and daughter of God. I loved the talks, and treasure the notes I took during them. I read them every once in a while to remember the spiritual thoughts I had during those talks. I especially loved hearing Hillary Weeks. One of my favorite LDS artists.
But, we can’t always make it to TOFW can we? Well, I recently discovered their blog and feel like it is the next best thing. It is full of great little excerpts of the talks that these great speakers and artists share each year. You can read some of their stories and feel that same spirit that you can get from attending TOFW.
For example, today, I read this one, by Brad Wilcox title, The Camelot Moments. This really spoke to how my husband and I have been feeling lately trying to raise these three happy kids that we have in our home. Sometimes, it is not always happy. But, we have to remember the happy times, or as he calls them, the “Camelot Moments” in order to survive this race of life.
He shared something that his wife once said to him when he was complaining about the ups and downs of life. She is a nurse and she said, “…when you get hooked up to the heart monitor, you don’t want to see a straight line. That’s bad news. It’s the up and down lines that let you know you are alive.” I loved that. Because, frankly, I have a lot of ups and downs in my life right now. This stage of life is not easy. But, I tell myself quite often that one day my kids will be grown and I will wish that I was still feeding, bathing, and changing them. I will wish that I was still getting up in the middle of the night to cuddle them after a bad dream. I will long for the time when they used to not be afraid to be out with me in public!
I just love the idea of being able to access such spiritually uplifting stories anytime we need them from this awesome TOFW blog. I can’t wait to get my daily boost.