To all you night owls out there and to those of you who just need some good sleep, this message is for you! I am a complete night owl. I could not go to bed until 2 a.m., sleep in to 11 a.m., wake up and feel great. Unfortunately for me, my family needs the structure of a “normal” day, waking at 7:30 a.m. This means I have to hit the sack no later than midnight to function the next day. I suppose I could just take a sleep aid before going to bed, but there are other things I’ve learned to help me sleep better.
At night before sleeping, I often lie awake going down my mental checklist for the next day. If there is something troubling me, I can be awake a long time trying to resolve the issue in my mind. This is also common with people who have anxiety. But this really isn’t what God wants for us. God wants us to have sleep. We are told in Psalm 127:2 that we shouldn’t rise early then stay up late in sorrow, but rather God gives His children sleep.
David acknowledges to God in Psalm 4:8, “I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; for You alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.”
One thing I’ve found very helpful in getting to sleep is prayer. I ask God to reveal what needs to change in me, and then repent of the things I’ve done wrong that come to mind. I also make it a point to pray for others. Anyone that comes to mind, I pray for. I lie in bed still, praying until I’m too tired and fall asleep.
Another thing I did to help myself feel better physically, mentally and emotionally, was getting involved in our local gym. Not only did I feel more accomplished because I was becoming more fit, but I started to feel good about myself in other ways. I was more relaxed after a workout and my stress levels were down. I found sleep came to me more quickly too! In Ecclesiastes 5:12, we are assured that, “The sleep of a laboring man is sweet,”
Hope your dreams are sweet tonight.
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All scripture references quoted are from the NKJV.