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Needs In Your Community And Beyond

Sometimes it may seem as we look around our community, we see so many areas of need. We could shrug our shoulders and decide ‘The problems are too big. I can’t do anything, so why bother trying?’ Imagine if God had taken that attitude with the world and the problem of sin! What a dreadful state we would be in. But God sent His Son to pay the price for, and deal with our sins, Isaiah 53:5-12 and John 3:16.

Instead of admitting defeat, we could look at the skills, talent sand resources we have and see how they can be used to help others in our community or beyond. Find one need and see what we can do about alleviating it.

Here are three stories of people who identified a need and acted on it.

One group from Bomaderry, realizing how difficult the economic situation is for many in the community, figured out how they could help. A group of committed people started by Helen and David Esdaile and friends, started The Main Course around ten weeks ago. Each Friday evening at the Bomaderry Community Centre they and volunteers provide a free hot meal as well as the chance to chat with others.

Other group is the Wrap with Love, who busily knit wraps. Each wrap is made from 28 kitted squares sewn together. The group meets for tea, a chat and knitting. So far this year they have knitted over 35 wraps for people who are victims of disasters. Using recycled and leftover wool they turn them into colorful wraps.

Throughout Australia 25000 have been hand crafted, resulting in over 157,000 wraps sent off to people in over 75 countries.

These are both great ideas but the next one tickled my funny bone and challenged me. All you women, what do you do with your old bra when you decide you need a new one? If you’re like me, you’d probably throw it out.

But Pat O’Shae of Red Cross has found a use for old bras. She sends them to woman in the Cook Island, Fiji, Vanuatu, and Papua New Guinea. Women in these countries are prone to fungal inflections and abscesses between their breasts and their chest walls. Wearing a bra helps. But the woman earn so little, to buy a new bra is almost impossible. These donated bras fill a need. Even worn out bras are useful, since they can be used for strap extenders and spare parts.

So next time you look around your community or beyond, you will see areas where you can help and fill a need. Why not pray about now what God would have you to do to help someone in your community or beyond? After all ‘whoever has the world’s goods, and beholds his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how does the love of God abide in him?’ 1 John 3:17.

Bible verses from The New American Standard Version

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