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Negotiate with Principles

Negotiation is not just about winning or losing. It might seem as though the only goal of business negotiations should be to win and get the other party to see things your way, but there is another way of approaching things. If you maintain principles and look for ways to create a win-win negotiation, you will not only be making the other party happy, but you will also be building lasting relationships and establishing a reputation for honesty and integrity (not to mention you will just feel better about yourself!) So, what does it actually mean to negotiate with principles?

A “win at all costs” attitude can cause you to do things that you will not be particularly proud of—and could tarnish your reputation and cost you customers, clients and/or vendors. Instead—consider how you want to be treated in a negotiation and consider what you consider to be honest and straight-dealing. This does not mean that you have to disclose your entire hand at the onset—instead, consider what you are really trying to achieve, and then try to get down to the bottom of what the other party is trying to achieve. What can you let go of? Can you keep a “do no harm” policy at the root of all your negotiations? Are you considering how your decision or the outcome of the negotiation will affect other parties or circumstances that are not at the table?

You will command more respect and build a loyal customer or client base with principled negotiations that you never can if you are just “out for number one.” I know that it may seem like this could make you weak or mean that you are giving up some of your bargaining power, but having principles and integrity can only be a good thing.

Also: Lying and Your Home Business

Living with Integrity