Switzerland is known for its lush green landscapes and crisp, fresh air, but if you do visit the land of “Heidi” and chocolate don’t let the urge to embrace the locals do you in. Rather, follow the old saying: “Keep your distance. Avoid eye contact. And even if it looks cute, never hug a Swiss cow.”
It may sound like a joke, but it’s not. The Swiss Hiking Federation was forced to lay down a few ground rules as a result of numerous “reports of unpleasant meetings between hikers and cattle” along Switzerland’s picture-perfect Alpine trails this summer.
“Leave the animals in peace and do not touch them. Never caress a calf,” warns the group in a recent posting on their website www.swisshiking.ch.
“Do not scare the animals or look them directly in the eye. Do not wave sticks. Give a precise blow to the muzzle of the cow in the event of absolute need,” it continues.
Apparently, cute doesn’t always equal friendly. As a society I think we tend to have somewhat of a “why-wouldn’t-they-like-me” kind of attitude, which gives us a sense of invulnerability when it comes to dealing with animals (and in some cases children). However, the Swiss Hiking Federation says that kind of attitude won’t fly with local cows. One federation member said new rearing practices, where the animals spend less time around farmers and wander in pastures with little human interaction, were partly to blame for the anti-social behavior.
So, now you know if a cow approaches you don’t hug it. However, animal experts say don’t panic either. Swiss authorities have reports of hikers losing their cool when approached by local cows. Don’t hug them, but don’t hit them either, warns police. If approached by a cow, the hiking association recommends that you remain calm and slowly leave the area without turning your back on the animal.
Oh, and one more tip: keep your dog away from the cows. Apparently, man’s best friend is anything but to bovines. According to the Swiss Hiking Federation, mother cows consider dogs a threat to their calves and tend to respond aggressively to their presence. Authorities say it’s when your dog retreat toward you that you are most likely to face a charging cow.