Yesterday Tyler was outside playing when he ran up to me screaming bloody murder. He had fallen and skinned both knees. After cleaning up the wounds and applying a nice flexible Band-Aid, I was all ready to send him on his way when he turned to me and said, “I think some ice cream will make it feel better.”
Ah, the innocence of youth. Wouldn’t it be great if we could ease all of our problems with a nice big old bowl of ice cream? As adults, we know that life’s not that simple but kids really think they can heal their boo-boos with a cold confection. One great thing about being a parent is that we get to perpetuate this fantasy. How many times have we “kissed and made it all better”? When our kids are injured, we check to make sure that they are okay and then we usually hold them close to us and comfort them with our touch. And if a bowl of ice cream or some other special treat helps to ease the pain, so be it.
The rampage in Virginia reminds us that we are living in troubled times. Some days I hate to pick up the paper or turn on the TV. I want to be like the ostrich, want to stick my head in a mountain of sand. It troubles me that today’s young people care so little about life— others and their own. When I look at Tyler, I want him to stay young forever. I want him to continue to think that ice cream has medicinal powers. However, I know that I can’t make him stay young forever. In a very short period of time he will go out into the world and experience all that life has to offer him, both the good and the bad. It is my sincere hope that he will be able to cope with whatever life throws his way. That’s about all you can do, offer support and your love and understanding. For now, I’ll keep the freezer stocked with Ben and Jerry’s.
See also:
Sharing Your Passions with Your Kids