The church has come out with a new website to help members with disabilities. The site is designed to help ward leaders and other members help the person with disabilities be an active part of the ward. This site addresses ward concerns as well as family concerns. This website can help you find the tools you need to successfully reach out and welcome members with disabilities.
The site has an area specially designed for leaders and teachers of those with disabilities. This section gives guidance and suggestions on the best way to teach those with disabilities in a positive loving manner. It gives links to other articles that can help a teacher successfully adapt lessons for those who are disabled.
The family section provides links and resources on how to deal with this as a family. There is a special section designed to help siblings understand more about disabilities. There is also a link for grandparents as well. Families are the ones most affected when it comes to having a member with disabilities.
This site discusses the many different types of disabilities and how to make accommodations for those disabilities. Many people initially think of intellectual disabilities, but the site also covers physical disabilities, hearing loss, memory loss, chronic illness, blindness, hearing loss, and mental illness. There are different ways that you can reach out to members when they suffer different types of disabilities.
Ultimately it is important to realize that we need to love and care for every member of our church. As we reach out to those who need the extra time and love, we will blessed to see how much they can teach and help us as well. It is also important to teach our children that same respect towards others. Some live with disabilities their whole lives, others become disabled later in life, no matter the reason or the time it is important to respond with love and respect.
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