Have you been to the church’s website lately? The new website is up and running. I wrote about the beta version last summer. It has now officially changed. The new look is cleaner and the site operates more smoothly.
One feature I really like is the way that the menus slide out so that you can directly where you want to in that category. For example under “Serving in the Church” you can go directly to Young Women, instead of going to a topic page and then clicking on Young Women. This will save time and make your search easier. Many of the organizations have also updated the information available on them.
I also like the layout of the “Prepare a Talk” and “Prepare a Lesson” pages. It puts all the resources together and really streamlines your ability to do the research to accomplish these tasks. The lesson page includes an icon of each manual being used, as well as a direct link to that manual. (This should make writing the Dinner Discussion blogs much easier.)
Podcasts are currently available of the conference talks and the lessons from the Spencer W Kimball manual. If you are interested in using these you should go ahead and subscribe. These are both trial podcasts, as the church is going to do research on the effectiveness of the podcasts.
If you currently have links to certain pages bookmarked, you will want to begin to change your bookmarks as you visit the site. The bookmarks should last for a few more months before the pages stop being redirected. The site seems to work well.
I really like the new look of the site and the new features offered as well. Other new features will be coming in the future. This includes changing the articles URL addresses so that you can understand what article you are linking to and the ability to access church software from home, so that you can complete your calling from home.
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