Saving money on milk has been a mission of mine. With three kids aged seven and younger and a personal need to keep up my calcium, milk is a steady purchase in our home. As mentioned in previous blogs, I do what I can to save money on milk, from baking with powdered milk to finding the best prices of hormone-free milk. But still, I have witnessed the steady climb of milk from $2.30 a gallon to $4.00 a gallon in a very short time. And, there doesn’t seem an end to the price inflation anytime soon.
Fortunately, someone has come up with a solution that may keep milk prices down. It does have its drawbacks, which I will get to in a bit. First, let’s talk about what it is.
New square milk containers can hold two gallons of milk. They are squat and have ridges on the side but no real spout. These containers save money by reducing the cost of producing and shipping the milk. With a traditional gallon container, milk crates must be used. These crates take up extra space in the factory, in the truck and require more labor to use. They must be hauled, washed and reused.
The new milk containers can be stacked one on top of another. More containers can fit in a truck, making the shipping cost less, and important thing when gas prices are so high. Manufacturers also say it makes it easier to get the milk from the cow to the store, making the milk fresher when it gets to you, in some cases the same day.
Critics of the containers say that they usually spill when being poured, causing inconvenience and wasting milk. But, there is a secret to pouring from these containers. Instead of lifting the container and then pouring, you should leave the container on a flat surface and then tip it to create a flow of milk to the glass.
The new containers of milk are currently being sold in some Sam’s Club and Wal-mart stores. The average price for this milk is only $2.18 to $2.58 a gallon, which is enough of a savings for me to learn the new method. Now I am just waiting for organic and hormone-free versions.
Mary Ann Romans writes about everything related to saving money in the Frugal Blog, technology in the Computing Blog, and creating a home in the Home Blog. Starting June 1st, don’t miss her articles in the Baby Blog. You can read more of her articles by clicking here.
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