What happens when you have a health emergency but you’re unable to tell emergency personnel what medications you are taking or allergies you may have? Having this information available can mean the difference between life and death. Many people with chronic and/or life-threatening health issues use medical identification jewelry. Others simply write information down and carry it in their wallet. The folks at Identification Devices have a better solution. iD Me is a new USB memory stick that offers a better option. These clever little devices do not require any special software and the data can be easily accessed via laptops found in emergency vehicles.
The sticks contain important information including your identity, medical information and contact information. You can also include insurance information. Although great for those with medical issues who become unable to speak, the devices are also a good idea for the elderly who might become lost and disorientated, as well as for special needs kids and adults. Of course, they are also a great way for parents to store information about their kids for easy access. This includes not only medical information but identifying information in case your child becomes seperated from you and is too young to give any information. Another great feature is the device allows you to store a picture along with your data.
The iD can be easily attached to a child’s backpack, belt loop, etc., so that information can be readily available. Adults can attach them to key rings, store them in your purse or car, or attach to clothing.
You also store Do Not Resuscitate orders or living will information, even medical records. The device is easy to use. You simply plug it into a USB port and fill in appropriate forms, then click “save”. If you become incapacitated, emergency personnel can easily access your data by plugging the device into their laptop.
You can easily update information as needed and you can also password protect the data so that no one can change the information, accidentally or otherwise. The devices cost just twenty-five bucks plus shipping, a small price to pay for peace of mind.
See also:
More Information on Medical ID Jewelry
Learning About Your Health History