The first week we parked and I walked with Jessie to the gym to wait for her class to be dismissed to her room. I continued to walk her to the gym and everything was fine until we came back after Labor Day. The long weekend threw her off and she was back in tantrum mode. The teachers in the gym watching over the children had to intervene and take the crying Jessie from me. Again, she was fine when I picked her up.
We had another change in the school experience. The school decided that all children need to be dropped off in the circle drive front of the school. I worried about Jessie and this change so I parked and walked her into the gym. One of the teachers caught me on my way out to encourage me into the new system. I explained that Jessie’s only three. The teacher assured me that there would be plenty of staff waiting to walk the itty bitties where they need to be.
I was ready to park and walk her through the front door then to the gym when I saw Miss Joy and other teachers waiting to receive the children. I decided to drop her off. It did not go well. She fought getting out of the car and going with Miss Joy, but she did it. For the rest of the week it was much of the same.
The next week started out great. Jessie got out of the car happily. She took the teachers hand and didn’t even look back at me to say goodbye. Then when I picked her up she was playing instead of clinging to one of her teachers.
She’s doing so well and adapting. I can’t wait to see how she’s going to progress next.