As we start this New Year we might wonder what the New Year will bring in our lives. We might wonder what changes there will be in our marriage. If we are wise we will have thought about this and made some resolutions or goals regarding our marriage.
Maybe this year we will work on fulfilling our dreams whatever they may be. Maybe this year will see and addition to the family. That doesn’t always mean a new baby. It could be an elderly parent coming to stay or a adopting a pet. Believe me, our little dog is very much part of our family. She moved in and twined herself around our hearts very quickly.
The New Year might mean a change of job or even career for you or your spouse. It might mean adjusting to being a stay-at-home Mom. For some people that is a huge adjustment, not to mention the difference it makes in lifestyle and spending habits by going from two incomes to one income. Whatever the New Year brings, resolve that you and your spouse will meet it together.
If you’re looking for some helpful resolutions try these. Resolve to:
Tell you spouse you love them at least once each day.
Think of three encouraging or affirming things to say to you spouse each day.
Lose the weight you put on over Christmas.
Cook your spouse’s favorite meal once a month.
Drink two glasses of water 15 minutes before breakfast each morning.
Eliminate or at least cut down on negative comments to your spouse and family.
Vary exercise routines so you do not get bored and give up.
Exercise with your spouse.
Buy your spouse a small gift for no other reason than you love them.
Stop and think before you speak.
Remember the words and promises made at your wedding and live by them.
I’d love to hear any of your resolutions for the New Year especially if they are to do with marriage.
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