It’s a New Year! 2007 is going to be great! Why? Because I am going to make it a wonderful year for my old customers by creating the best customer service possible.
Often we tend to forget about those who bought in 2006, even in 2005. If they loved our products and service once, why wouldn’t they come back?
Sure, we think they will just call us. But we are not really in the front of their mind. Now is the best time to remind them who do shop with and business with in 2007!
Spend the next few days making a list of you customers and hostesses. Then call them. If your company is offering a January special, then you have an easy excuse to pick up the phone. If not, well doing a New Year customer call is perfect!
What do you say? “Hi! This is Debbie calling with DT! Do you have a few quick minutes to be on the phone? So, how is that Castle Marbleworks you bought your child last summer? Wonderful! I just love the way kids play with our toys and they are so durable. The reason I’m calling is because I wanted to see what your needs for 2007 are and how I can make your life easier…..” Then you will ask a few questions to find out their needs.
Are you interested in getting a chance to play/test/see our products?
Would you be interested in knowing about our new catalog?
Are you looking to make any extra money this year? Have you ever thought about doing what I do?
May I add you to my email list to keep you updated on sales and new catalogs?
Would you like me to call you a month before birthdays to help you get some shopping done?
By asking questions, you can find out how you can provide the best customer service in 2007! So pick up that phone! You’ll start the year out strong and with a customer base.