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New Year’s Resolutions for Your Marriage

It is coming very close to the time of year when people begin to make promises to themselves. Most of these promises are broken within a few months. These promises that I am referring to are of course New Year’s resolutions.

Most New Year’s resolutions involve losing weight, eating healthier, quitting smoking, etc.

However, have you ever thought about making a New Year’s resolution about your marriage? In fact you and your spouse can even make a New Year’s resolution together. Having a partner in the resolution may help it to last longer.

Your marriage does not have to be bad or need help to create a marriage New Year’s resolution. A marriage New Year’s resolution can just serve as a reminder on how important your relationship is in your life. In addition, the resolution does not have to be a major undertaking.

Try some of the simple relationship building resolutions below.

Make it a priority to give each other at least one compliment a day.
Just hearing your spouse say something nice about you can help create a more positive relationship atmosphere.

Vow to never leave without saying “I Love You”.
In the rush of your morning, it can be easy to slip out the door without saying those three very important words. When those are the last words that you hear from your spouse each day, they are likely to stick with you as a reminder of your commitment.

Create a date night when you and spouse are committed to one another and nothing else.
Yes believe it or not sometimes you actually have to find time to schedule couple togetherness. Busy lives, especially with children, can keep couples from spending alone time.

Make a commitment to stop something that is hindering your relationship. Whether it is smoking, drinking, or an obsession with a hobby. If you are constantly discussing the issue then make next year the year that the thorn is removed.

New Year’s Resolution Forum

New Year’s Resolutions Your Marriage can Keep

Christian New Year’s Resolution