It is nearing the end of the month. If you started the new year off with a new budget, then this should be the second month on your budget. The first month is really when you work out the kinks, and figure out where you need to adjust the numbers to make a realistic budget. The second month is the one where you get to see if you really can stick to a budget.
So did it work for you? Did you have any other problem areas? You could consider using cash in those areas. It is important that if you do switch to cash that you do not pull out your debit card or credit card to make those small purchases that you do not feel should count. You know the little stops at a convenience store for a soft drink and a candy bar or your morning cup of coffee.
If you feel like you have a workable budget congratulations. You will need to reassess each month, to make sure that you are sticking to the budget. It will become easier with time. The meetings will become shorter, and it will be easier to adjust for unexpected expenses or to plan for the big events.
If you feel like the budget is too tight in some areas or that you just can not live by the budget you have outlined you need to sit down and work out a new budget. If you find that you simply do not make enough money to cover your needs then you will need to find a way to increase your income. If you find that you are not willing to cut back on your wants, you will need to increase your income. Just be sure that you are saving money, and not spending more than you make.
Related Articles:
New Year’s Resolutions: Evaluating Your New Budget
Finding and Plugging the Links in Your Budget