The time is coming to think of your New Year’s resolution. Many say they do not do resolutions because they cannot keep them. No sense in setting yourself up for failure to start off the New Year. Some say they make resolutions simple so they are not under a lot of pressure and some don’t tell a soul what they are resolving due to the embarrassment of failing. When your first thought of resolutions is all the ways you will not keep them then it is no wonder they never work. The preconceived notion is that resolutions are broken within the month. I won’t try to tell you to make a resolution much less on about weight loss. The most popular resolution has something to do with weight loss or fitness and most never keep up. Instead think of a new year as a new start. Do not make out a list of goals that do not fit into your natural lifestyle. A new start should happen little by little not by one giant leap.
“”Success is the sum of small efforts—repeated day in and day out. “” ~Robert Collier/author
Allow that quote from Robert Collier to be your motto for the New Year. Forget resolutions that fade. Forget failure. Forget giant leaps that leave you smack down on your face. Begin the New Year with a new attitude and one that is realistic and effective. Make a decision to do something healthy and then make another one. Do something small to improve your overall healthy every day. Decide to take a walk after dinner, skip dessert, lay off the chips, or cut out white flour from your diet. Forget weight and think of yourself as daily striving to make small changes that will impact positively on your health which will lead to success. Go big or go home is for an event in life but steady and small effective efforts are for real daily life success.
Image by justphotographer.com