If there is a difference between your children’s ages, yet they share a bedroom, you will encounter the nightlight fight sooner or later (if you haven’t already). It goes something like this:
“Turn that nightlight off! I’m too big for a nightlight.”
“I’m not, and I want it on.”
“You’re a baby. I don’t want people thinking I sleep with a nightlight.”
“Just say it’s for me.”
“Stop being a baby and turn it off!”
“Mooooommy! Daaaaaddy!”
The last one is usually in unison as both children call you in to settle the dispute. So how do you manage this dilemma? Your nurturing instinct probably says give in to the youngest child. You don’t want your baby to be afraid, and that nightlight is certainly not hurting the older child.
Still, you think, it’s his or her room too and you not only want to be fair, you also want your older child to know that you realize he or she is growing up. You want to respect the decision to discontinue using the nightlight, and you’re probably feeling proud of that decision. Then, your youngest begins to cry and talks about how scary the room is when it’s dark, and you’re back where you started.
I have a solution that should work for both children. We tried this for our two youngest children, and it worked quite well.
Purchase a small lamp to place on a dresser or bedside table and choose a low watt, colored light bulb that gives off a soft glow. There are many colors to choose from, and the colored light bulb will give sufficient light to comfort your little one, while not making your older child feel like a “baby.” In fact, the older child might just think it’s pretty cool, and everyone will sleep better.