- Get ten minutes of natural sunlight every day. Not only is sunshine a natural mood booster, it can help your internal clock stay regular. Try to get your ten minutes in during the brightest part of the day, but be sure to wear your sunblock.
- Make sure you get some Stone Age time every day. That means turn off your cell phone, turn off the television, and shut down the computer. Use your Stone Age time for something healthy, like a family walk or some gentle stretching. Think you’re too easily distracted? Try setting a time limit on your internet time. Use an egg timer to keep yourself honest.
- Dress on your feet. It sounds silly, but the standing balancing act you do while you dress helps strengthen your core muscles and improve flexibility. This simple change can help protect you from broken bones as you age.
- Go to bed ten minutes early. It won’t seem like a huge change, but chronic sleep deprivation can weaken your immune system. That extra ten minutes might just help you fight off the next bug to hit the office or school.
- Let yourself oversleep a little on the weekends. Don’t snooze the day away, but give yourself the luxury of a little catch-up time. A good rule of thumb is to pay back half the sleep time you’ve missed over the week.
- Make sure you have healthy food available. If you don’t have something good in the house, that might send you out to grab something junky.
- Watch your portion sizes. Not only will it help you reach and maintain a healthy weight, it may also help your body work at peak efficiency. Recent studies from the University of Florida show that cells may work better when they’re not overloaded with calories.
- Turn your music down a few notches. Keep your volume at seventy percent of maximum volume or less to protect your ears.
- Don’t be stingy with the hugs. Human contact with someone you are close to can help reduce levels of stress hormones in your body. Even holding hands can help bust stress.

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