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No Counterfeit for Peace

The other night, I sat working with my daughter on her Faith in God requirements, one of which is to read several scriptures pertaining to the Holy Ghost and then discuss the role of the Holy Ghost in our lives. She underlined the passages, and then next to one of them wrote in the margin, “The Holy Ghost never lies.”

I’ve been thinking about that perceptive comment ever since.

The Holy Ghost works hand in hand with our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. As the third member of the Godhead, He is one with them in unity and purpose, all of which is administrated with truth. Just as God cannot lie, neither can the Holy Ghost. The messages He brings to us are true.

We’ve been taught that the opposition can counterfeit many things. He confuses lust with love, whispering to us that there’s nothing wrong with expressing ourselves physically and intimately. He confuses pride with pleasure in a job well done, and substitutes justification for humility. But he cannot counterfeit peace, which comes through the Holy Ghost, and accompanies every message the Holy Ghost brings to us.

The Holy Ghost is the second comforter. His roles include the confirming of truths we hear, warning us of danger, being near us during this time when Christ is not able to be, and bringing us the sweet, everlasting reassurance of peace. In this time of mixed messages from the media, from friends, family, associates, the opposition, and our own internal dialogue, it can be difficult to determine when we’re hearing truth and when we’re hearing lies. But peace cannot be faked. Seek out those sources of peace that are present in your life, and you will find that you’re being led by the Holy Ghost in your search for what is true and right.

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