Have you ever found yourself wanting to create a layout about a situation, event or person that you had no photographs for? If you have, you are not alone. If you haven’t, these tips will still be useful and could possibly get your creative juices flowing and allow you to create beautiful layouts with no photographs.
Whether it is because of bad photographs, no camera handy or lost camera or prints, there are certainly times in your life that you have been left without photographs for an event. It feels extremely frustrating at the time, but remember that journaling can tell an entire story without a photograph.
The key to good journaling is being able to use all of your sense to tell the story. Remember what something smelled like, looked like, felt like. Remember to use descriptive words to tell the story.
“The sun was setting and casting shadows all around as she leaned in to blow out the eight candles sitting on her chocolate birthday cake. Melanie and Tyler looked on as she managed to get them all in one breath. Sadly, we got no pictures of the event because the camera went missing a few days later before we were able to upload the photographs.”
You can also use photographs from another event or taken at another time on the layout if you cannot possibly imagine a scrapbook page with no photograph.
Include poems you have written, or others have written that truly inspire you. Include pieces of memorabilia from the event, have others journal their feelings about the event. All of these things can create a scrapbook layout that has no photographs.
Scrapbooking is a personal hobby, and the way that you choose to scrapbook or not scrapbook is totally up to you. Never think there is something you can’t do.
Nicole Humphrey writes articles for the Scrapbooking Blog and for the Frugal Blog. She also guest blogs on a variety of topics. You can read more of her articles by clicking here.
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