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No Reason to Feel Guilty

Summer is finally starting to wind down. School is just around the corner and I have to admit, I am looking forward to it.

I recently posted something on my Facebook page about how I was starting to count down the days until school starts. A couple of comments revealed something to me, moms are sometimes afraid to admit that they want their children to go back to school.

It has been a great summer. I appreciate the fact that I was able to spend some extra time with my children and that my family was able to enjoy a wonderful family vacation to Virginia/Washington D.C. However the thought of quiet days ahead stirs some excitement in me.

So why is it that so many moms don’t like to admit that they are eager for school to start? I think we get this guilty mother syndrome. We wonder what others will think of us because we feel that way. I find it sad that moms can’t always be real with one another. You don’t have to worry about that with me. I keep it pretty real.

There is no reason to feel guilty. We all have our different reasons for wanting our children to return. For some it’s the thought of having a quiet home. If you are a stay-at-home mom or you work out of your home or you work hours that allow you to be home during the day, you know how enjoyable that peace and quiet can be.

Sometimes the reason we can’t wait for them to get back to school is so that they can get back into a routine. The late evenings, sleeping in, lazy days and having few responsibilities is making for some dull and bored children. I am ready to see my children back on schedule and using their minds.

Of course, I realize that by the end of September I will probably be wishing for summer days again when I didn’t have to carpool, pack lunches, check homework and the list goes on. I don’t think our kids can win with us. However, no matter what I truly don’t believe there is a reason to feel guilty. It comes with the territory of being a mom.

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About Stephanie Romero

Stephanie Romero is a professional blogger for Families and full-time web content writer. She is the author and instructor of an online course, "Recovery from Abuse," which is currently being used in a prison as part of a character-based program. She has been married to her husband Dan for 21 years and is the mother of two teenage children who live at home and one who is serving in the Air Force.