My son is three and a half and terrified of his first dentist trip. He loves to brush his teeth, but if you even mention the dentist he comes unglued. This isn’t uncommon, most kids aren’t thrilled about having to go to the dentist. Unfortunately, this is one of the necessary evils of childhood. Seeing the dentist is crucial to the health of your child’s teeth.
It may help ease some of the anxiety if you have a pretend visit first. All you need is a toothbrush and a mirror. Count your child’s teeth with them and let them look at them in the mirror as you count. This will help the visit seem less scary.
There are lots of books out there about going to the dentist. Try going to your local library to pick some up to read to your child before the visit. They have Dora, the Berenstain Bears, Spongebob, Blues Clues, and so many more. It may help your child if they see that even their favorite characters have to go to the dentist sometimes.
It may be helpful for your child to play dentist with some of her dolls or stuffed animals beforehand too. The more they play the less scary the real thing is.
Be prepared for some tears. The dentist can be a really frightening experience, especially if you’ve never been before. Some strange person is using strange things that make strange noises inside their mouth, that’s enough to cause anyone some anxiety, especially your toddler. Be aware of their fears and let them know that it is ok to be afraid sometimes, but assure them that you won’t let anything bad happen to them. If it helps, sit in the room and hold their hand through the visit. Sometimes we all need a little reassurance when we’re doing something scary. When they are all done, don’t forget to give them a big hug and tell them how proud of them you are. Facing your fears isn’t easy, so be sure to tell them what a great job they did!