Here is the continuation of my notebook of blessings.
An orange browallia transplanted and given to me by a dear friend after the one I bought died. This one is healthy and growing so well in the pot near our front door.
The way this plant reminds me of my Mom as she always had orange browalliasin the garden as I was growing up.
The bible study group we are part of and the way it is growing in numbers as well as the way each of us are growing in our walk with God. For the studies we have done in Job and Esther and the lessons learned. Now studying the letters of John. For being able to study God’s Word together as well as have a laugh. It’s always such a fun time which is why I expect the group is growing since we all enjoy ourselves so much as we’re learning.
Getting back to singing the other night with our choir and enjoying some different songs. One I really loved that I had not heard before was ‘Jubilee Hymn to the Holy Spirit’ – A beautiful piece of music and words celebrating this country where we live.
For a new lady at choir and the conversation we had.
The church we are part of and the way God’s Word is so faithfully taught each week.
Singing practice with others from church in preparation for Sunday’s service.
God’s hand of healing on me.
Encouragement from other writers and from people here at
Surprise congratulations put in by another writer in a newsletter for my poem ‘Brass Kaleidoscope’ which was read over radio in New York
Writing time and enjoyment as I write my novel and become so involved with the characters I have created. At time it is hard to tear myself away from them.
These are just from the last few days and all just tumbled out of my head in a short space of time. I think I’d better stop now though I could easily keep going.
I’d love to hear someone else’s list of blessings.
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